Mini-Chapters and Crappy Blog Posts

I wrote a blog post.  Then I wrote another one.  They bored me to tears.  Then I wrote the opening to a third blog post.  Same.


Meanwhile my imagination was brewing about Victoria, the protagonist of my album story.  Ever since I conceptualised this project I have been excited to write about Victoria's passions and struggles.  I feel her when I write the music and when I sing the songs.  I feel her so close that it's been hard to get perspective to write a story.




Finally it started flowing - an idea sparked, pulsing the moods and lyrics of the songs.  The story is feeding hungrily off the songs and the songs off the story.  Victoria is taking shape.  Her personality, her life, her adventures.  She's a secretary, she likes to sing at the local club and she reads romance novels in secret.  And she's going to get into some heavy situations.


I am always grateful to the wonderful writers collaborating on this project - Paul D. Brazill, James Shaffer, Mark McConville, Kate Laity and Underhatchet - providing me with a lot of inspiration.  They have all agreed to co-write this story about Victoria - which is going to add so much to it.  


Thus, the "Contentment" Album Trailer will release on September 12 with a corresponding "Mini-Chapter", which will be the first of five.  I'll be sure to post about it on social media as the 12th nears.


So instead of posting any of my last three crappy blog posts, you now have an album update.  I hope it was a worthwhile few minutes for you and remember, always feel free to comment - I enjoy them.

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